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Benefits and allowances in the UK

Employment and support allowance

It is available to all sick and disabled people who are unable to take up any employment for this reason. It is also help for people who can work, so also the people who are employed, self-employed and unemployed who have worked for at least one year may apply for benefits. The awarding process consists of two phases: the evaluation phase, lasting 13 weeks and the main phase

Child Tax Credit

Benefit for people with at least one child who need additional financial resources for upbringing and keeping offspring. You do not need to work to get Child Tax Credit. Most often the benefit concerns people whose child has just been born, who lives with them after the age of 16 and those children who are under the age of 20 and continue their daily education or participate in training.

Working Tax Credit

It is an income supplement for employed or self-employed persons. People who are over 25 years old and work more than 30 hours per week, people with disabilities or older than 16 years of age and working at least 16 hours a week as well as those who are 60 or more and work at least 16 hours a week are eligible for this benefit. You can also apply for the allowance if you have a dependent child.

Child Maintenance

The British equivalent of child support, and therefore a certain amount of money, which is paid by the child’s parent who do not have the right to raise it. The money is intended for the maintenance and upbringing of a child, it is managed by the second parent who is the current legal guardian. Thanks to the special agreement of the United Kingdom with many countries around the world, parents whose former partners do not live in the UK can also apply for maintenance.

Housing Benefit

Housing allowance is a beneft that can be applied for by the households which are in a very unstable financial situation. It is not granted to cover costs resulting from the use of media utilities and it is given on the basis of several factors, such as the amount of rent paid or type of flat. It applies to both unemployed and working people whose income does not exceed a certain threshold.

Matternity Allowance

It is an allowance for people who actively look for a job who are capable of doing it or those who do not work more than 16 hours a week. You can apply for this allowance if you have worked in the UK for at least a year or you are a full-time student. There are two types of this allowance – paid on the basis of contributions (contribution-based) or on income (income-based).

Child Benefit

This allowance is granted to families where one parent does not earn more than £ 50,000 a year. Child Benefit is granted to legal guardians of those children who are under 16 years of age or are between 16 and 20 years old, but are in education. We help in filing the documentation and getting the allowance.

Jobseeker Allowance

This is a maternity allowance paid by the state for self-employed women. You can apply for maternity benefit from the 26th week of pregnancy, it can be paid the earliest 11 weeks before the planned date of birth and it may be received for a period of 39 weeks.